

標題: 安然外送茶LINE:twran21 | 冰山美人,外冷內熱 [列印本頁]

作者: 小然外送茶    時間: 2024-8-9 18:37
標題: 安然外送茶LINE:twran21 | 冰山美人,外冷內熱
安琪  166/50/E/24歲
嫵媚成熟的職場麗人 氣質出眾
擁有性感曲線 皮膚光滑細膩
床上表現超主動 擅長挑逗
配合度高 是你理想中的完美情人

⭐️超夯客評 ➡️ //t.me/Ai01Ran
????安然LINE➡️ twran21
????安然のTg:  //t.me/An6Ran

(, 下載次數: 2) (, 下載次數: 3)

作者: 蘿莉茶瀨5280366    時間: 2024-8-9 22:27
人生苦短、及時行樂 俗話說
人在天堂 錢在銀行 老婆在別人床上
人沒了什麼都是別人的 TG:nini9595

台北 新北 台中 高雄 新竹彰化台南可約
看到本人滿意再現金消費 不喜歡可退換
保證安全健康 都有做身體檢查安心喝好茶
收藏免費茶訊 //www.5280344.com
看照選妃正妹 //t.me/m5280344
加老司機入口 //t.me/tgnini9595


1號:九兒 154.45.B.20歲

2號:夏琪 156.45.D.19歲
清純小騷女 超贊的妹妹

3號:雅西 158.46.E.20歲
小清純帶點小火辣 溫柔又細膩的個性

1號:小沙 156.44.A.18歲

2號:小蟬 156.48.E.21歲
性格:童顏巨乳 超甜的甜妹

3號:諾諾 158.46.D.19歲

1號:小文 157.44.A.20歲
清秀嬌嬌小小的 清純可人待開發

2號:小伊 155.45.C.18歲
幼齒妹 粉嫩到爆 真的是個可愛的蘿莉  

3號:咪咪 158.45.D.20歲
五官秀麗 長髮飄逸,理想的女友對像

1號:小小 152.42.B.18歲
性格:悶騷 性慾超強

2號:蝴蝶 155.45.C.20歲
性格:顏值高 很會撒嬌

3號:果果 158.47.E.19歲
性格:活潑 聲音超甜美主動

1號:晶晶 153.44.B.19歲
皮膚白皙 魔鬼身材小野貓一枚

2號:歡歡 156.45.D.20歲

3號:香玲 158.46.E.19歲
野貓身材S型 蜜桃臀 性感

1號:甜甜 152.42.A.18歲

2號:菲菲 156.44.C.20歲
清純可愛 纖細美腿

3號:小野 158.46.E.19歲
臉蛋甜美型 芬香嫩穴 技術型 回沖率超高


高中處女生 才剛成年 155.42.B.18歲 第一次兼差 不知花落誰家 妹妹幼齒可愛 身材嬌小玲瓏 超級幼齒 聯絡TG是nini9595瀨03656和Skype:bjx778

長榮空姐驚艷來襲 紫宸 170 D+ 24歲 48kg →顏值控 服務控 必點← 強勢推薦 重磅來襲 水蛇腰清純外貌純天然大奶 讓人看來無法自拔 超翹蜜桃臀 還是台日混血 接客名額有限制 特價:10000 不二價 聯絡TG是nini9595瀨03656和Skype:bjx778

作者: DavidNoins    時間: 2024-8-10 06:53
標題: смотреть порно жесток
Complaints have flooded social media since the video’s release, with residents saying it fails to show the modern side of their country. Many claim the footage was edited to seemingly appear old-fashioned, with a faded sepia tone, and that the camera focuses on shabby architecture.
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Others have complained about the video’s airport scenes, during which one of the characters loses his luggage and seeks help from a local ground staff member called “Happy.”

“When I watched it, I was thinking, this was Thailand 50 years ago. This looked like Thailand 70 years ago. There were no segments showing the modernity of my home,” David William, an American content creator based in Thailand, said in Thai in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 11 million times.

In an interview with CNN, he said he’s never seen “a cab that looked that bad before” in his nearly 10 years in the country, adding Thailand’s main gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport is just as modern as New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

“Thailand is a modern, safe and beautiful country,” he said. “I just hope [people] don’t misunderstand.”

Echoing his view, Facebook user Nipawan Labbunruang said the video makes Thailand look “terrible.”

“What is this clip trying to present?” she wrote in a post that received 1,900 likes.

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